Affordable Acupuncture

Our Multi-Bed Acupuncture Clinic in Norwich has ventilation built in for patient safety and is regularly aired, the beds are placed so the heads are 2 metres distance from each other. Everyone who enters the clinic is Covid Screened including staff and is required to wear an IIR mask, sanitise hands and have their temperature taken.

Our community acupuncture clinic provides an opportunity for everyone to experience regular acupuncture sessions at an affordable price. Rebecca and her acupuncture team work with more than one patient at the same time in a multi-bed setting, similar to how acupuncturists work in clinics all over China on a daily basis. For some conditions Acupuncture works more effectively when sessions are carried out weekly to begin with so the Multi-bed model reduces the price for regular sessions.

Acupuncture needles take 20-45 minutes to do their work. It’s therefore possible for an acupuncturist to treat a person, leave them to relax while another person is being treated. As more than one person is treated within an hour, the multi-bed setting enables the cost to be reduced. The atmosphere has a positive community spirit.

Your physical privacy is maintained at all times.

For more information on Multibed Acupuncture read our blog.

Multi-bed clinic:

We have a Multi-bed acupuncturist in everyday Mon-Sat for bookable sessions.


Traditional Acupuncture

(Recommended as an initial appointment prior to multi-bed sessions)
First appointment: £70 for 90 minutes
Follow up Appointments: £52 for one hour
At your first appointment a full case history will be taken from you and a comprehensive evaluation made of the best treatment options for you.

Multi-bed Acupuncture

£38 per session, unwaged £32 per session.

N.B Please make sure you have something to eat before attending an acupuncture treatment, please bring a full list of medication to your appointment.  

A private appointment may be required before accessing the multi-bed treatments, this will depend upon the condition.  Our reception team are trained to inform you, so please call for further details, a qualified Acupuncturist will be happy to call you back.

Tel: 01603 514195 to book or go to our Complementary Health Clinic for more information treat-Norwich